A Marathon: 26.(don’t forget that POINT) 2 miles!

On January 2, 1014, it seemed like a good idea at the time to sign up for the Portland Marathon that would take place October 5, 2014. Or maybe I just thought it’d magically just pass by.

But it didn’t. I started by using the My Asics app to train. I was fairly consistent about doing it until late summer hit. Then I would start to skip times here and there and the last month, month and a half I really petered off. But I was ready when the time came. I knew I was. And if it had been 3-5 miles, I would have been ready.

But I did it. Started out ok. Plodding along steadily, I kept at it. One foot in front of the other, one foot in front of the other. It was bloody hot but I kept at it. About mile 22 or 23 I continued but wondered what the heck I was doing. Though I’d had those thoughts previously, they were much more prevalent now. There came a time that I wanted to just sit down and cry. But I knew if I did that, I’d never get my shirt and be able to say that I not only did it, I FINISHED.

You know what the crazy thing is? I’m thinking about doing it again. LOL

While I did finish, I didn’t have that feeling of joy, pride or sense of accomplishment. But why? After all, I stuck at it for over 7 hours in 80° weather, sore feet, sunburn and cramping legs. I set myself a goal and I achieved it. So, why aren’t I proud of myself? Why can’t I acknowledge that what I did was pretty amazing.

So, Miss CrzyJuli, you are amazing! You did something you wanted to do. You finished. Good job. Congratulations.


Glory clouds, gold dust and feathers, oh my…

I’m trying to have an open mind. But the more I hear and read about the Bethel Church in Redding, CA, the more concerned I become.  I watched several videos and have posted links to them below.

And in part  of it, you can see what Bill Johnson calls a “glory cloud”. All I could see was this blackish/gray smoke like stuff that seemed  to be coming from a ceiling duct. But it made me very uncomfortable and not in  a good way, not in a way that made me think anyone was in the presence of the Lord. They might have been in a presence but for me, it was not my God, my King, my Father.

1 Timothy 4:1-2
1Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

2 Timothy 4:3-4
3For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

So, how are we to arm ourselves to know when and what we’re hearing is true or false? The Holy Spirit! Have a relationship with your heavenly Father and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Put on the Armor of God and never take it off.

Learn HIS voice and listen. Question what you hear from man (preacher, prophet, apostle, etc-these are all men and it’s okay to question them, don’t confront but question, respectfully.) When they are backing up their point with scripture, research that scripture for yourself. Ask your Father for discernment and clarity as to what it means for you. And remember that while He uses man to spread the Good News (there will be those who say they come in His name). And, maybe they do have His anointing, but you are not to blindly and unconditionally follow, like sheep, the one who leads over your place of worship. Hear what they say, pray, and do your own research. Make sure that what they are saying matches up with the Word of God.

Don’t be lead astray. There is so much more I could say about what I’m hearing about Bethel but that will have to wait for another time.

I welcome questions and comments. Are you a follower of the Bethel teaching or others like it? If so, what lead you and keeps you there?


Friend to Friend


I find myself boiling with anger and resentment at that woman. Don’t tell me you “know how I feel”. If you had any idea, you would have not followed it up with that dribble. You know the kinda stuff, the ‘pull yourself up by your boot straps’ stuff. Do you not think if I could let alone find my boots straps, I’d pull ‘em up (duh) or better yet cover your mouth with them. Personal fave, throw a random verse at me (ie cast your cares, joy of the Lord is our strength). There is more to God’s Word and His counsel than the daily calendar verse on your wall. There are those who know what it is to drown in waves of suffocating depression, to see no light. They themselves are the often the only light I can see as they lower their hand down into the mire to hold my hand.

I very rarely ever tell anyone “you’re in the Lord’s hands, it’ll be ok” and such cuz frankly, I’d want to punch someone in the face if they said that to me. I know I’m in His hands but that doesn’t make me feel better. What would make me feel better is knowing you hear me and are willing to wallow with me for a time. Then pull up your bootstraps for you.

You know who you are.

LMFAO tornado warning.

One wonderful thing after another. Shit, girl, not getting much of a break are you? But you know, God only gives you what you can handle. LMAO, sorry I couldn’t resist. You know that was said tongue-in-cheek.

LOL LOL I know made me giggle. Can God make me handle the fact all the hair is going to come out of my head because I have dye on it and it is lightning right over the house and I can’t go rinse????

Trying your plan of action, which is called KISS btw. Keep it simple stupid. Walk dogs, do dishes, make bed, dye hair, remove facial hair„ blah blah blah…

Go rinse your hair. If you get struck by lightning, it was meant to be!



If this tornado hits while I am naked in the shower I am killing you LOL You will see me naked on the news blaming you LOL

LMFAO! Be sure to let me know when that news is airing. If you feel the roof start to go and you along with it, grab the shower curtain! I’m chuckling imagining you flying through the air like Miss Gulch on her bicycle.

Are you kidding? Featherless overfed turkey is more like it. God could you imagine???

I know that part of me would be aghast in horror for you but the louder side would probably be laughing my ass off

You cannot imagine how loud dark foreboding it is here right now. I told Ricky the weather was like my mood I only wished I could write like Sylvia Plathe to put it into words. Then I realized telling your husband you wanna be her while he is away might not be wise. LOL

Yea probably not cuz he wouldn’t know if you were ready to commit suicide or get laid by the next woman you see.